Sega theming overview

This section goes over changing the theme of the Sega Genesis and Mega Drive mini systems.

Background resolution: 1280×720

Theme setup options

  • FTP
  • HMOD


Single theme

From the hakchi main screen:
Goto Tools > FTP

Tools > FTP

From here you will need to navigate to:

BUT at first only /usr/game/ will exist.

Navigate to /usr/game

  • Create new folder named hakchi

Navigate to newly created hakchi folder

  • Create new folder named ui

Navigate to newly created ui folder

  • Create new folder named md

Navigate to newly created md folder

You are now in:

PASTE your background.png here.


Cycle power on your mini and when it boots it will use this image for the background.

Theme per region

If instead of having a single background you would like to have a different background per region you can use the following folder structure.

  • /usr/game/hakchi/ui/md/us/background.png
  • /usr/game/hakchi/ui/md/jp/background.png
  • /usr/game/hakchi/ui/md/eu/background.png
  • /usr/game/hakchi/ui/md/background.png

You will now have 4 separate background.png files.

When booting the system checks the currently selected regions folder “{region}/background.png” first, if that doesn’t exist it checks for “md/background.png”.
If none of these exist it will boot with the stock background.