System details
OS - Linux
Controller ports - USB
Emulator - M2engage
Minimum power supply recommended 1.5
Additional storage space gained with hakchi CE 3.7 about 54mb
Storage resize will revert back to stock after uninstalling
Clock speed
Stock - 1008000
Overclock - 1344000
Launching games from Sega UI
Press “A” to launch games with stock M2 emulator
Press “Start” to launch games with RetroArch (if installed)
To specify a core, Right click on a game from the hakchi “Custom Games” list and click “Select emulation core…”
When launching a game if a description does not exist it will launch directly into the game. If a description does exist the standard game info box will pop up prior to game starting.
Command line arguments:
- –3bpad=1
Used for games like zombies ate my neighbors that won’t work with 6 button pads
example - /bin/m2engage /var/games/CLV-G-XXSMB/ –3bpad=1 - –smooth43=1
command line for factory scan lines (stock emulator only) - –sramsize=xxxx
forces sram size overriding detection - –sramtype=sram/eeprom
forces type, but most eeprom games currently won’t save anyway, as only one type of eeprom is supported by m2engage